SEO Services

Search Engine Optimization

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Positioning your website
in top searches

SEO, also known as Search Engine Optimization, represents an essential strategy in the digital field, focused on the organic growth of a website's traffic and ensuring its positioning in the first pages of search engines for the key words/phrases relevant to the project.

This careful and methodical approach aims to maximize your online visibility, thereby building user trust and generating lasting and stable results for your business.

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Success expressed in
top results

Magnetif provides effective optimization solutions tailored to Google's ever-changing algorithm. Our passion is growing your online business.

Do you want to expand your online presence, attract more potential customers and increase your income? Our proven SEO techniques and practices have generated success in numerous customer stories.

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Extended SEO Services

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SEO Audit

An exhaustive SEO audit investigates every aspect of your site, from the technical structure to the visible content. We analyze the health of your site in terms of search engine optimization, evaluating factors such as URL structure, HTML tags, 404 errors, page load speed and security.

Keyword research
and strategy

Your SEO specialist will perform a detailed analysis of the keywords for which your site is currently indexed. By using your existing keyword list and additional research, we'll build a custom list that's appropriate for your business and competitive context.

Link building

External links are an essential factor in achieving a higher position in search results. That's why it's important to work with an experienced SEO team that does backlink development and has strong connections with relevant and high-quality websites in your field.

Technical SEO

Ranking can be improved by technical optimizations of your site's backend, including page speed optimization. Fixing these issues helps search engines index your site better, leading to higher rankings. When you satisfy search engine requirements, your results will be reflected in better performance!

Local SEO

We improve your business's local SEO ranking with Google My Business (GMB) and attract customers with real intent. We optimize your GMB profile and manage your online reputation to grow your local following.

On-page SEO

Together we improve your online visibility, gaining high quality traffic. At Magnetif, we ensure that our SEO services are aligned with search engine best practices to increase your website's credibility in the eyes of customers. Our SEO experts publish unique and valuable content, optimize titles and HTML tags, and use high-resolution images.

Off-page SEO

Off-page optimization is crucial in establishing brand credibility and increasing online exposure. By collaborating with our company, we will help you demonstrate your expertise in the field. We use social media marketing, link building and influencer marketing to generate qualified links and positive reviews.

e-Commerce SEO

Give your customers a unique 24/7 shopping experience and increase customer retention. We launch email marketing campaigns and optimize your website for mobile and voice search to create a personalized brand experience.

Content writing

We have a team of writers who create original SEO content for your website. Whether it's creating share-worthy blog posts or optimizing existing service and product pages with more content, your site will benefit from more visibility.

Conversion Rate
Optimization (CRO)

Choose to retain your customers and increase your revenue with conversion rate optimization. Magnetif integrates PPC campaigns with SEO optimization to maximize conversion opportunities. We perform website analytics, page optimization and A/B split testing.


The team dedicated to the success of your business

SEO Experience

For many years, Magnetif has helped companies in all industries develop their online presence to generate more revenue. We have the experience and feedback to support businesses of all sizes looking to grow their online traffic and customer base.

Dedicated SEO Professionals

Our team of SEO professionals offers you customized solutions for effective optimization of your website, ensuring you a strong online presence and maximum visibility with a positive ROI.

Guaranteed Top Results

We are dedicated to each customer, representing our foundation. Our team of SEO experts, consisting of specialists with over 10 years of experience in search engine optimization, supports businesses of all sizes, from small businesses to large corporations, to achieve exponential growth.


Ever evolving Strategy

Given that the field of SEO remains in constant evolution, we are constantly adapting our strategies. Given the multiple updates to Google's algorithm each year, which shape the positioning criteria, we stay constantly informed and in step with the latest news and trends.

Our deep commitment to excellence is visible in the proactive way we approach each project. Through constant innovation and meticulous analysis, we ensure superior online performance, generating real positive impact.

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SEO Code of Ethics

Magnetif firmly embraces honesty and integrity in all its aspects. We approach projects with fairness, generating genuine results and avoiding unfair tactics. Essentially, we do not engage in malpractices to achieve SEO success. We stay true to Google's rules and never put your business at risk. Our integrity remains intact at all times.

Why is it worth investing in seo services? We deliver on our promises to deliver maximum ROI.

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Over the years, we have continuously refined our SEO strategy, developing effective approaches. Our practices not only benefit our customers, but also our own platform. We support our business from what we make. We get the most out of our organic results. Our belief in SEO is unquestionable, representing the lifeblood of our business.

You probably wouldn't have gotten to this site without SEO. How did you find this page? With a Google search? If so, you have proof that SEO works for us. Now put it to work for your business too!


What is seo?
Seo is Search Engine Optimization and is the process of positioning a website on search engines to increase its visibility when users search for relevant keywords and queries.
Does my website need seo?
Yes, investing in seo is beneficial. Search engine optimization provides a method to increase website traffic without paying for each click.
How does seo work?
Google has over 200 ranking factors, according to which it determines the position of a site in searches.

To have a successful SEO campaign, you need to make sure that your website is the most relevant of all for the important keywords, but also that the website is a reliable source of information.
How do you identify the keywords people use to search for sites like mine?
You can't start an SEO strategy blindly. You need to know what people are searching for on to find businesses similar to yours and optimize your site for those phrases.

You can do this research using Google Keyword Planner or other tools.
Why isn't my site showing up in searches?
There are a number of reasons. Either your site is not indexed, it is not relevant to searches, or it does not have enough authority to be displayed in the search results pages. Or, if the site is older, it may have received a Google penalty for not following Google's webmaster guidelines.
What is a Google penalty?
There are 2 types of Google penalties: manual (manual action) and algorithmic. In fact, algorithmic penalties are a lot to say - some sites lose positions due to algorithm changes
How long does it take for a site to rank well in the Google results pages?
The answer is always "It depends". A common answer is “between 6 and 12 months”, but this time frame differs depending on the industry, the competition and your website.
What are the most important Google ranking factors?
In 2016, Google stated that the 3 most important factors are authority (links), content and RankBrain. Since then, things have changed, among the current main ranking factors are the number of direct visits, the time spent on the site, the number of domains from which the site has links, the number of dofollow links and others.
What should I do, SEO, PPC or both?
There should be a balance between marketing channels to avoid relying on a single source of traffic. It is important to have a long-term SEO strategy and a well-targeted PPC campaign.
Does social media help position my website in search engines?
There is a misconception that social media posts help improve Google rankings. No, social media doesn't help your SEO campaign, but it does help increase your brand awareness.
What is the difference between on-page seo and technical seo?
Although they seem the same, they are not. On-page SEO refers to page content, meta tags, images, etc. , while technical seo refers to the indexability and indexing of the site, loading speed, structured data, canonicalization, xml sitemaps and others.
What speed score is good?
A common question, and the answer is "as big as possible". But in order not to invest too much resources and time, analyze the sites of competitors and try to get a similar or better speed score. When you have a speed score of 85 and your competitors don't have more than 80, maybe you should focus on other issues.
How can I identify technical seo problems?
You can identify technical issues using Google Webmaster Tools, SEMRush site audit tool, Moz pro, Ahrefs Webmaster Tools and others.
How long should the text on a page be?
There is no right answer to this question. But you can analyze the top competitors, do an average and get the answer.
How to create seo-friendly content?
SEO must be an essential part of the content creation process. To begin with, the list of keywords must be established in order to understand the needs of the users and to be able to write content relevant to them.
Does duplicate content affect site rankings?
Avoid using duplicate content. Your pages must have unique titles, unique meta descriptions, unique text. There are tools that identify duplicate content, such as Copyscape. Analyze your pages when you make content changes and try to have a duplicate content score as low as possible (less than 50%). And NO, there is no Google penalty for duplicate content.
What does link building mean?
Link building is the process of getting links to your website. Once obtained, you can see them in Google Webmaster Tools, in the Links > External Links section (after a period of time)
How do I get links from other sites?
There are many ways to get links, both natural and artificial. The easiest and fastest way, which most of your competitors use, is to buy links. Other methods are: broken link building, brand mentions without a link, links from suppliers, PR and others.
Do I need as many links as possible?
In 2023, Link building is more about quality. You should not focus on getting many links, but quality links.
Is it true that links can be bought?
Buying links is a clear violation of Google's Webmaster Guidelines. So yes, you can buy links and perform, as long as you buy links in text on highly relevant and high authority sites, especially in your niche.

Increase the performance of
your online business
with our help.
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